'Chelsea' Round Table Discusses Justin Bieber Paternity Suit: Will It Affect His Career?

'Chelsea' Round Table Discusses Justin Bieber Paternity Suit: Will It Affect His Career?  - The world stood still when allegations came out that the baby-faced Justin Bieber may actually be someone's baby-daddy.

What to think? Who to believe? Confusion's abound -- and his Christmas album's doing so well!

Thankfully -- wise sage that she is -- Chelsea Handler helped make sense of this recent paternity suit and answer the very important question on-deck: Will this tarnish The Bieb's career?


But, they couldn't quite get past his age. Handler summed up her feelings when introducing the case, saying that a 19-year-old woman "filed a lawsuit claming Justin Bieber is the father of her three-month old son. So that makes her son and Justin Bieber the same age."

href="http://famousfortheworld.blogspot.com/2011/11/justin-bieber-leads-rise-in-popular.html">Justin Bieber Leads A Rise In Popular Young Singers
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  • And then Moshe Kasher echoed her feelings, claiming that Bieber couldn't possibly father a child before reaching puberty himself. Though, his comment was far less...scientific.

    Now's your chance to weigh in on The Bieb's future -- will his career survive its first baby-scandal( huffingtonpost.com )

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