Environmental group wants frog juice drinker Park Ji-sung to help protect the frogs

Environmental group wants frog juice drinker Park Ji-sung to help protect the frogs - Though it won't come right out and say it, South Korean environmental group "Frogs Friends" seems to blame Manchester United midfielder and former South Korean national team captain Park Ji-sung for the increasing threat to frogs in his country.

Park Ji-sung, enemy of frogs

In 2006, Park wrote in his autobiography that his father would give him frog juice to boost his stamina on the pitch. And now, the frogs are being hunted for their juice at an alarming rate, prompting Frogs Friends to ask the footballer to denounce the beverage.

From Reuters:

"I do not know if it is just coincidence but after it was revealed… that Park eats frogs as a means to boost his strength, the number of cases of illegal poaching of frogs and toads residing in mountains has increased," campaign organiser Park Wan-hee was quoted as saying by Yonhap News Agency on Monday.

Since its establishment in 2007, Frog's Friends has been campaigning to stop Koreans killing amphibians for perceived health properties.

Your move, Park. The fate of South Korean frogs is in your hands. (  Dirty Tackle )

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